Hundreds of companies worldwide have taken our ParityPLEDGE for Women and our ParityPLEDGE for People of Color—a public commitment to interview at least one qualified woman and/or person of color for every open VP, C-Suite, and Board position. That's it. No deadlines. No hiring quotas. Yet the results are transformational.
Why does it work? Women and people of color tend to be significantly underrepresented on most candidate slates, due to unconscious bias, sourcing in the wrong places, and other factors (e.g. hiring managers recruiting people who are already known to them, for expediency) that are wholly unrelated to the talent, desire, and expertise of those underrepresented groups. And if they're not in the game, they can't win. But when companies become intentional and proactive about diversifying their interview pools, they frequently find that the "best person for the job" is in fact one of those previously unexplored candidates!
For Results. Being intentional immediately changes behavior, and that changes outcomes.
For Employees. Taking the pledge shows employees that you are genuinely committed to providing equal opportunities for all.
For Your Brand. Publicly showcasing your commitment sends a signal to customers and suppliers about your corporate values.
For the Greater Good. Taking the ParityPLEDGE sets a powerful example, giving other organizations the confidence to proudly commit to equal opportunities for women and people of color.
Taking the ParityPLEDGE is free and requires just a minute or two of your time.
You’ll be asked to complete a very brief form and to indicate which pledge or pledges you are taking.
Once you submit the form, you’ll receive an email with a link to submit your logo for our website, plus a variety of useful resources to help you share the news with your employees, suppliers, and the world.
From that point on, we simply ask that you hold yourself accountable, by doing your best to interview at least one woman and/or one person of color for every leadership role that becomes available.
We think you’ll find, as most organizations do, that when you interview a more diverse range of candidates, you end up hiring a more diverse range as well.
In just the first 12-18 months alone, here's what happens...
73% of organizations add at least onewoman to their executive team, and 19% add three or more.
27% reach full gender parity (50% women, 50% men) on their executive team!
81% become more intentional about interviewing women for top jobs.
56% add at least one woman to their Board of Directors.
The ParityPLEDGE works for people of color.
In just the first 12-18 months alone, here's what happens...
People of color in the C-Suite increases by 69%, compared to 21% for white C-Suite positions.
People of color on the Board increases by 78%, compared to 10% for white Board members.
89% become more intentional about interviewing people of color for top jobs.
76% chose to extend the ParityPLEDGE to management roles below the the VP level.
The ParityPLEDGE was a good push for us. It created heightened focus for diversity across the entire company. We started at the top, and it was intentional, believing that if you can't see it, you can't be it.
Kamy Scarlett CHRO & President U.S. Retail, Best Buy
Nasdaq took the ParityPLEDGE in 2017 and since then, in just two and a half years, 50% of all new executive hires have been women. We are very proud of our progress.
Supriya Jha SVP Diversity & Inclusion, Nasdaq
Signing and supporting the ParityPLEDGE for POC has been invaluable to the promotion of racial equality at Overstock...POC comprise 50% of our C-Suite/SVPs, 27% of leadership, and 40% of promotions over the last 12 months.
Jonathan Johnson
CEO, Overstock
We are a founding member of Parity.Org, a non-profit with a sharp purpose: "Equal representation. Now." One of the simplest but most effective ways anyone can support [equality] is by taking the ParityPLEDGE at Parity.Org.
NOTE: After clicking the button, the pledge form will appear below. Please scroll down.
Thank you for joining the movement!
By signing the Individual ParityPledge®, you are telling businesses that you stand for equal representation at the highest levels of business, and they should too. That's a powerful message! Thank you for supporting the advancement of diversity in the workplace and making a difference.
Thank you for joining the movement!
By signing the Corporate ParityPledge®, you are telling businesses that you stand for equal representation at the highest levels of business, and they should too. That's a powerful message! Thank you for supporting the advancement of diversity in the workplace and making a difference.
Now check your email. A corporate communications kit is on its way to help you let everyone know about your commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion. We'll also give your company a quick shout out for joining and amplify your messages when you post. Any questions? Contact us at
These companies took the ParityPLEDGE.
ParityPLEDGE for Women
ParityPLEDGE for People of Color
Parity.Org® launched with a mission to create equal representation at the top with the ParityPLEDGE for Women and, in 2020, added a ParityPLEDGE for People of Color.
(Individual Allies are those who have taken the ParityPLEDGE, not on behalf of a specific company, but to express their own personal commitment to supporting the advancement of women and people of color in organizational leadership.)